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Recent Trends In Radiation Physics Research


ISBN: 9788179062272
ISBN 9788179062272
Name of Authors B.L. Ahuja
Edition 1st
Book Type Hard Back
Year 2010
Pages 392
Language English

This volume contains technical papaers in the areas namely, basic radiation processes, radiation physics activities in advanced technologies like lasers, accelerator driven systems, synchroton radiation sources, biomedical sciences, RIB, plasma, radiation transport, reactor physics and shielding, accelerator based radiation physics, radiation effects and dosimetry, radiation detection, measurement and applications, radioactivity transportation natural envrironment and regulatory aspects in advanced technologies, etc. This will serve as an indispensible reference volume for research workers and an excellent introductory text for newcomers in the field of radiation physics.

Prof. B.L. Ahuja obtained his post graduate degree in Physics from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur in 1983 and Completed his Ph.D. degree in 1988 from the same University. Since 1984 he is actively engaged in the field of Compton scattering environmental physics, X-ray fluorescence and band structure calculations. He was awarded BOYSCAST fellowship (1992-92) by DST, New Delhi to work at University of Warwick, U.K. for development of instrmentation for synchrotron radiations. Prof. Ahuja has designed, fabricated and commissioned the first-ever Indian 20 Ci137 Cs Compton spectrometer and first time the lowest intensity 100 mCi 241 Am Compton spectrometer in M.L. Sukhadia University, Udaipur. For the measurement of high resolution and magnetic Compton profiles, he has worked at Universite de Paris-sud (LURE), France; Daresbury Synchrotons Source, U.K.; KEK, Japan; European Synchroton Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France and super Photon Ring 8 GeV (SPring - 8), Japan. Prof. Ahuja has supervised 13 students for their Ph.D. degree and presently 10 students are working with him for the same. Prof. Ahuja has executed, as Principal Investigator, several R&D projects funded by DST, UGC, AICTE, BRNS and DRDO, etc. He has got working collaborations with 22 institutes within India and abroad. He has published about 90 papers in very reputed international journals and about 110 publications in conference- proceddings, etc. In addition, Prof. Ahuja is also a reviewer of several topmost international journals and is associated with many scientific Societies (viz. Institute of Physics, London, Indian Association of Physics Teacher; Indian Association of Crystal Growth; Indian Society for Technical Education; Indian Society for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Indian Society of Radiation Physics) in different capacities.


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