Business growth is generally understood as a positive view of future. In this respect decline is often not admitted as a possibility, except in the nost obvious situation. In business, regardless their forms; public sector or private sector, growth is a continuous process affected by a number of variables and factors within and outside environment. It is best reflected by the multidimensional managerial paerformance in the different functional areas. The present book, therfore, has a wider scope and coverage. In the present age of super computer, analysis must be based on multivariate techniques. The business growth, considering the different aspects such as capital structure designing, working capital management, fixed assest composition, operational performance, and social contribution, has been analysed using computer based multivariate techniques; factor analusis, discriminant analysis besides developing growth retes and certain financial retios in the present book. Needless to say, the book is unique, original, and useful based on 4000 observations (i.e. 40 variables related with 10 selected PEs for a study period of 10 years). Undoubtedly, the present book is a book od worth reading for scholars, researches, management consultants, managers, planners, academicians, research supervisors, faculty members belong to management, Accounting and Financial areas and for the students of professional courses in view of their syllab as well as in completion of their project reports and dissertations.
Multivariate Analysis Of Business Growth
ISBN | 8186231773 |
Name of Authors | R.L.Tamboli |
Edition | 1st |
Book Type | Hard Back |
Year | 1999 |
Pages | 299 |
Language | English |
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