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Housing Conditions Of Tribal Villages


ISBN: 8186231102
ISBN 8186231102
Name of Authors Renu Upadhyaya
Book Type Hard Back
Year 1995
Pages 72
Language English

Though much has been written about the problems of tribals pertaining ti their social nirms, stratificatio, migration and programmes of development, very little attention has been pais to their house construction, home management and health making.The enquiry makes an effort to bridge this gap. The author who is a trained Home Management expert looks at a broad spectrum of housing problems among thr tribals in a cluster of villages in Jhadol Teshil of Udaipur District, a Tribal Sub-Plan Area of Southern Rajasthan. She-Plan Area of Southern Rajasthan. She makes a through observation of the "housing pattern of the Bhils and provides a pattern and a tentative blue-print for future house construction. Her whole some effort is friendly environment and it is here that the strength of the of the study lies.

Renu Upadhyaya has passed her M.Sc. From the College of Home Science, Rajasthan Agriculture University, Bikaner, Campus Udaipur.She has specialised in Home Management.


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