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Practical Manual Fundamentals Of Plant Biochemistry And Biotechnology


ISBN: 9788179066737
ISBN 9788179066737
Name of Authors Khandelwal
Edition 1st
Book Type Paper Back
Year 2018
Pages 98
Language English

As such the course "Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology" is a vast in its practical content. It's a tough task to pack both the key subjects Biochemistry and Biotechnology in a singal volume . The practical manual is divided into two sections Viz., (A) Palnt Biochemistry and? (B) Plant Biotechnology. Biochemsitry is a subject based on laboratory performances that evaluate and varify the presence as well as amount of biomolecular assemblies, be it a cytoplasmic pool of amino acids in a semi - aqueous extract or subtle, coiled deoxyribosenucelic acid (DNA) macromolecular spool in an alcoholic medium!Students can learn about the structure and function of many such biomolecular through physico - chemical models and their reactivities in an aqueous, acidic or alkaline medium, respectively. The student can also learn to perform assays where classes of molecular like amino acids and proteins, mono -, oligo and poly - saccharides, oils and fats (lipids) as well as other metabolites form coloured products that could be detected by qualitative test and / or be quantitatively estimated, employing the standardized procedures that employ precision instruments like the Ph-meter, centrifuge and spectrophotometer. The biochemical techniques, especially macromolecular separation and characterization (e.g. chromatography and electrophoresis) were also covered in the manual for better understanding and learning. The plant Biotechnology section mainly covers the "Plant Tissue Culture" experiments. The students would learn the essential skills to work efficiently in an area's of the laboratory towards culture media preparations to bringing explants from source; prepare these explants for aseptic transfer into the prepared media and thereafter, make observations on cultural responses in vitro through the exercise designed to fulfill some of the major objectives on applications of plant tissue culture in agriculture. The Manual covers all essential precedures that need to be followed for successful establishment of explants into culture media, the major applications in modern agriculture, and the basic aspects of plant molecular biology. This Manual is an attempt to impact the basic training so as to enable students experience ways to perform biochemical experiments. We sincerely hope that this Manual will serve as handy work - book for the graduating students, helping them understand most of the theoretical aspects of bio-molecular structure and function while doing the practical exercise.


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