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Biogas Production Management And Utilisation


ISBN: 8185167605
ISBN 8185167605
Name of Authors A.N.Mathur, N.S. Rathore
Edition 1st
Book Type Hard Back
Year 1992
Pages 167
Language English

The book gives a comprehensive picture of biogas production, mechanism, technology from dung and different organic wastes, its significance in present energy quest and wide applications in domestic and agro-industrial fields such as for cooking lighting and power generation. In addition, the book emphasises the manifold advantages of waste recycling in terms of production of combustible fuel, enriched manure and environmental protection. The book also covers the design and construction techniques, operation and management of biogas plant, distribution system, utilisation of gas and slurry and biogas appliances and its socio-economic aspects. The mechanical conversion of biogas and status of biogas programme in our country are also included. The book gives very useful information and insight for future R & D programmes in waste recycling."

Prof. A.N. Mathur is working as Professor & Principal Scientific Officer in Renewable Enrgy Centre College of Rechnology and Agricultural Engineering, Udaiour. His scientific interests are in the field of New and Renewable Energy Sources, Heat Transfer & Thermo-dynamics. In addition, he is Regional Training officer of Regional Biogas Training & Develipment Centre, Udaipur. He has participated in a training course of Biogas Technology held at Chengdu, China. He is author/ co-author of more than 70 papers in the field of New & Renewable Energy Source including Biogas Technology. He has edited seven books viz. Bio-Energy for Arid & Semi-arid Regions, Management & Utilization of Biogas Plant Slurry, Solar Dryingn, Renewable Energy & Envuronment, Bio-Energy for Arid Regions, Advanv\ces in Biomass Gasification Technology & Economics of Energy Plantation. He ia author of books on Solar P-V and Non-Conventional Energy Sources (in hindi) Mr. N.S Rathore is working as Associate Professor in Renewable Energy Centre, College of Technology & Agricultural Engineering, Udaipur. His scientific interests are in the field of Bio-Energy, Biogas, Integrated Energy System & Energy in Agriculture. He has authored or co-authores more than 50 research papers on New and Renewable Energy Sources beside editing three books entitles "Renewable Energy & Environment" and "Advances in Biomass Gasification Technology" & "Economics of Energy Plantation".


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