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Urbanization And Sustainable Development


ISBN: 9788179063491
ISBN 9788179063491
Name of Authors Rathore
Edition 1st
Book Type Paper Back
Year 2014
Pages 179
Language English

The book provides a succinct history and origin of urbanization, prospects, patter, population growth, level and current trends. It also discuss challehges of urbanization, urban infrastructure and basic amenities. The majour highlights of the book are the chapter that talk about India and south Eastern Rajasthan were sustainable urbanication requires an extraordinary planning for its existing and growing population.

Dr. Yuvraj Singh Rahtore is assistant professor in department of geography, JRN Rajasthan Vidhyapeeth University Udaipur. His educational qualification is B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D, mca AND P.G diploma in remote sensing and GIS. He has been the UGC (NET) qualified. He has received NCC training at OTA kamptee (Nagpur) and became an Associate NCC Officer in the university. He has participated in a number of national and international seminar and symposia. He has on his credit one book, number of managraphs and research papers in various national and international journals and is supervising Ph.D. students on various aspects of remote sensing and GIS. He has been the member of various university committees.


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