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Tribal Displacement And Rehabilitation Of Mansi Wakal Dam Project


ISBN: 9788179067925
ISBN 9788179067925
Name of Authors Dr. Mridula Bairwa
Edition 1st
Book Type Hard Back
Year 2019
Pages 149
Language English

In India about 55 percent of the tribal population now reside outside their traditional habitats due to displacements caused by development projects. Displacement due to dams have been traumatic and dehumanizing. The displaced families livelihood, cultural identity and informal social networks get badly affected and disrupted. Planning process presumes that displacement is inevitable, the creation of internal refugees, and their impoverishment, reflect the incapacity of the state to rehabilitate them and avoid making them the sacrificial lambs of development process. Development without distributive justice produces and accelerates disparity which actually it aims to eradicate.

Dr. Mridula Bairwa has done MA in Anthropology and has done NET JRF and PH.D. in Sociology. She has done P.G. Diploma in Resettlement & rehabilitation and she specialise in "Social Impact studies and medical Sociology" Dr. Bairwa has taught sociology in Mohan Lal Sukhadia University. She has worked with the Institute of Rehabilitation and Decelopment Studies, Udaipur for R & R Projects of Hindustan Zinc Limited. She is member of the editorial team of the "Rajasthan Journal of Sociology". She has presented several papers in national conferences and published papers in reputed journals. Dr. Bairwa is currently working as fuctional area expert in socio economics for Apex Mintech Consultancy Udaipur. The author is also working as a councillor with Kota Open University.


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