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Transmission Electron Microscopy Of Spermatogenesis In Amphistome


ISBN: 9788179064924
ISBN 9788179064924
Name of Authors Swarnakar
Edition 1st
Book Type Hard Back
Year 2015
Pages 105
Language English

Present book help to deal with fine or ultrastructure of different cell stages of spermatogenesis and various stages of development of spermatozoa were revealed by transmission electron microscopic observatons (TEM) in the testes and seminal vesicle of amphistone. Also first time describe the ultrastructure of the spermatogenesis and mature spermatoza in an amphistome, species Cotylophoron cotylophorum. The formation of mature spermatozoa from precursor cells called spermatogonia, primary and secondary spermatocytes and spermatid in tested is called spermatogenesis. The transmission electron microscopic observations demonstrated that the testes of spermatogonia were observed. The spermatogonia constitute three cell generations, primary spermatogonia, secondary spermatogonia and tertiary spermatids after successive mitotic divisions. Each spermatogonia cell give rise to a rosette of 32 spermatids. For the first time the present study deals with comparision of ultrastructure of spermatogenesis un different seasonal amphistomes. On the basis of ultrastructural observations, it may be concluded that the ultrastructure of spermatogenesis and the mature spermatozoa in amphistome basically follows the common digenean pattern. The book is very sugnificant as: * Present book is of great importance from mrdico-veterinary point of view. * The book will help in understanding certain histological, cytological and physiological aspects of spermatogenesis of amphistome. * Ultrastructure of spermatogenesis would provide knowledge for chemotherapeutic measures.

Dr. Gayatri Swarnakar presently working as Lecturer (Pay Band IV), in the Department of Zoology (Parasitology Laboratory), Government Meera Girls College, Udaipur, affiliated with Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur (Rajasthan)-313001. She obtained M.Sc (Zoology) degree with 1st division in 1992. Dr. Gayatri specializes in Parasitology and Cell Biology. She has 23 years of teaching and 25 years of research experience. She has to her credit, 02 text books, one reference book and more than 30 research papers published in National and International Journals. She received different fellowship from various funding agencies, Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) from UGC in 1986, Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) by C.S.I.R. in 1992 and Research Associateship (R.A.) by UGC in 1993. She has also receive Young Scientist Merit award by Indian society for Parasitology (ISP) for best oral paper presentation during the XI National Congress of Parasitology held at M.L. Sukhadia, University, Udaipur in 1994. Dr. Swarnakar selected and worked as Assistant Professor in Biosciences Department, Saurasta University, Rajkot during 1995-1996. Three Minor and one Major Research Projects from UGC (2004,2009 AND 2013) are in credit of Dr. Swarnakar. She has attended and presented research papers in various National and International conference, seminars, symposiums and workshops in India and abroad. She visited Vancouver, Canada and presented two research papers in Xth International Congress of Parasitology, 2002. She was a Member of Academic Council From 2009 to 2010 in MLSU University, Udaipur and Life Member of various scientific Societies such as Indian Society for Parasitology, and Applied Animal Biology, Indian Society od Applied Entomology, Society for Science and Environment, Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Rajasthan Science Congrees Association.


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