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Management Of Environmental Degradation And Cement Industry


ISBN: 9788179064016
ISBN 9788179064016
Name of Authors Dr. R.P. Naraniwal
Edition 1st
Book Type Paper Back
Year 2014
Pages 86
Language English

The preplexing engima of deteriorating environment in the localization of Cement industries has stimulated intellectuals and thinkers right from the dawn of human civilization. Although the time scientist & geographers had endeavoured to project their understanding of this subject of timeless and temporal significance ad the value of the critical estimate of such a timeless subject, afer every spar of time can never be ignored. The purpose of the present study as a problem lies in the fact that so far no study had been carried out on this most essential industry in the day to day life. It dose not only the study that distribution development and environment impact on human health from cement industries but also suggest ways & means to control the environment pollution and human health planning.


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