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Lamps In Tribal Areas.


ISBN: 8186231188
ISBN 8186231188
Name of Authors Madhusudan Trivedi, Prakash Chandra jain
Edition 1st
Book Type Hard Back
Year 1996
Pages 96
Language English

This book is the outcome of a comparative analytical study of the stricture and functions of the LAMPS of two states of Gujarat and Rajasthan. The authors have very successfully employed historical and empirical methodology to identify the factors which go for the success or faulure of LAMPS. On this basis, they argue that there is such a structural arrangement in Gujarat that the LAMPS has succeeded in defeating the ex-ploitation of the tribals at the hands of traders and in-digenous moneylender. Hoe ever the case of Rajasthan is a little different. Here the RAJASTHAN has played an exploittative role of an intermediary.


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