This book anables networking professionals who design, evaluate, building and operate computer networks to prepare a complete network design, networking components, and the services that the network should provide. This computer networking hands-on book is designed, however, to provide practical tools, techniques, and information that can be put use immediately in a real-world environment. The book covers hands on networking laboratory experiments which are complement components to classroom lectures of Computer Networks, A design of such lab is presented here with goal to help students in academics studying environment to gain some industry-oriented training and deepen their understanding of networking technologies learned textbooks and Classroom lactures.
A Practical Approach Towards Computer Networking
ISBN | 8179062319 |
Name of Authors | Dharm singh |
Edition | 1st |
Book Type | Paper Back |
Year | 2010 |
Pages | 146 |
Language | English |
Dr. Dharm Singh is a fellow member of Institution of Engineers (India), In charge University Intranet and Faculty member in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, College of Technology and Engineering, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur. 21 (Twenty One) years professional experience. M.E. and Ph. D. in computer Science & Engineering. Awards "Best Technical Staff Award" and "Appreciation award" for outstanding services by University (MPUAT), Udaipur. "Scroll of Honour" felicitated from Udaipur Local Center "The Institution of Engineers (India)". Conference attended in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Written nine books (two text books as sole author and edited 7 books) in the fields of Computer Science and Engineering and has published more than 45 papers in referred Journals and Conference. An upright member of various engineering societies like "(IEEE), "CS, India".
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