The author have attempted to presented the practical methods which are usable, efficient and of vast importance during the analysis. Throughout the manual, the stress is given on the fact that in all probability the analysis of a food product should fall within the standard permissible and know normal limits. With its comprehensive coverage and up - to - date information, the book would be useful to the students of B.Sc. (Food Science and Technology), M.Sc. (Food Science and Nutrition), M.Sc. (Home Science), B.Tech. (Agricultural Processes). M.Tech (Food Technology and Engineering). It would be useful to cover the background material during the lecture session concurrently. In addition, it would also be of significant value to public analysts, factory personnel, processors, research workers, practicing scientists and engineers.
A Manual Of Food Chemistry & Microbiology
ISBN | 8179062777 |
Name of Authors | Sadaf Ahmad, Ahmad Ashfaq |
Edition | 1st |
Book Type | Paper Back |
Year | 2014 |
Pages | 121 |
Language | English |
Dr. Ahmad Ashfaq received his B.Tech degree in civil Engineering in 1999 and M.Tech degree (Environmental Engineering) in 2001 from Aligarh Muslim University, AMU Aligarh, India and Completed his Ph.D. Degree (Environmental Engineering) as a Teacher candidate from the same Institution. He worked as Environmental Engineer (Head of Department, H.O.D.) for about quarter to four years in Hind Agro Industries Limited (HAIL), with the entire management of waste generated from the industry and implementation of the modified & latest technology during his tenure. The duties included: Operation, monitoring & control of Effluent Treatment Plant (E.T.P.) Laboratory analysis of water & wastewater, Record keeping and maintenance of the plant, to attend the training programs on behalf of the organization and thus implementation of the technology available on techno-economic basis, Member of ISO 9002 & HACCP team and hence implementation of the same , Management of Solid.
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