This monograp deals woth the settlement pattern of Mesolithic man in north - east region of the state. Most of these types prehistoric site are located in the hilly area of the region. The major part of the land seems to have witnessed a storm in the ocean which wadhes the area and left its marks in the shape of sand layers visible everywere. The Geology of the zone is obscured by the win blown over - burden. Most of the area is a semi - desert which formed the bed of an acean extending from the present shore of the sea to the line of Aravalli range. The south and south - eastern part of the region is occupied by loamy soil and hills of the Aravalli range. The prominent rock rxposures of the Delhi group are seen in the Neem ka Thana hill situated in the south and southern part of the Shekhawati region, along the continuation of the Khetri Copper belt upto Sangarwa and from Bajor to Roopgarh. Rajasthan has been a cetre of human's activities since prehistoric period, evidence by the collection of lower prehistiric tools from all over the parts of the state. Since tha last decade of 20th century, no any prehistoric site was reported from north - east Rajasthan. In the recent surveys, approximately 15 sites have been reported belonging to Mesolithic culture. Surveyors and researchers are collected microlithic tools belong to Mesolithic period from Kala Bhata, Khora Bawari, Dantaali ka Teela in Jaipur district, Ajeetgarh, Thoi, Bhupnath ka kheda, Mothuka, Mandusya, Morajawala, Ganeshwar, Narsinghpuri, Thana, Khokhra, Beed ki Dhaani, Juna Teela, Bhudoli, Biharipur in Sikar district, Rasoda in Jhunjhunu, Sanam in Churu district, Van Mujaffar, Dadikar and Samdha in Alwar districs. Mesolithic rock painting in the same way, focus on the contemporary techniques, rock art, interest, biological diversity and then on equipment also. These people inhanited readily available rock shelter in central India. Circular huts made of tree branches and leaves are depicted in rock paintings. Scenes of trapping of rats and fishing are depicted in rock paintings. Besides, at Bagor and Adamgarh there is evidence of domestication of cattle, sheep and goat. The material possessions of Mesolithic people included bows, arrows, spears, traps, nets, grinding stones for processing foods, stone hammers, sling balls, ring stones, bone and antler tools and ornaments. Rock painting shows that both men and women wore some kind of dress around the waist, probably made of leaves. Hunters are shown wearing masks. The burial from Mahadaha indicates the use of ear rings and necklaces made of rings cut from antlers. The climate of this appears to have the Mesolithic age was more suitable for human development. Mesolithic age does not aee any kind of socila discrimination. But later the community was using contacts with metal used cultural which give the concept of leadership in this society blossomed. This monograph will be very useful for researchers and students from archaeological point of view for understanding the prehistoric man of the area.
A Light On Mesolithic Sites Of North-East Rajasthan: An Appraisal
ISBN | 9788179067192 |
Name of Authors | Dr. Vineet Godhal |
Edition | 1st |
Book Type | Hard Back |
Year | 2018 |
Pages | 62 |
Language | English |
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