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Biochemical Analysis


ISBN: 8179061841
ISBN 8179061841
Name of Authors Pushpa Seth, Sunil Khandelwal
Edition 1st
Book Type Paper Back
Year 2008
Pages 254
Language English

This book contains basic introduction to biochemistry, very useful for beginners. All chapters are cover with the introduction of particular biomolecules. The quantitative from and self explanatory. Preparation of standard curves with the help of spectrophotometer and their uses are well defined. Recent techniques used in biotechnology for example Electrophoresis, isolation of Genomic DNA, PCR and RAPD analysis are also incorporated. The description of instruments with photographs and their operational details are well covered and helpful for individual to understand methodology in proper way. The book is covering over 100 procedures useful for students and scientists working in the area like Biochemistry, Microbiology, Plant Breeding, Plant Physiology, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Food science and other related fields.


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