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Agriculture Mathematics Book For B.Sc. Agriculture Programme (As per Syllabus of Fifth Dean’s Committee, ICAR)

ISBN 9788179067581
Name of Authors Vimal Saraswat
Edition 1st
Book Type Paper Back
Year 2021
Pages 391

This book is divided into 9 chapters containing straight line and the problem based on it, differentiation of functions by different methods, and applications of differentiation. Successive differential is also given in the book, so it will help to find the maximum and minimum value of any given functions. Definite and indefinite integrals are also provided in the present book. This book also covers the area under the curve. Matrix, their types, operation on matrices like, addition, subtraction and multiplication, and determinants are the important chapter to solve any problems, so these chapters are also included in the present book. A large number of solved problems are also included in the present book.


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